Each video from Reason TV is 3-4 minutes long and tells of an amusing case of unintended consequences
Tyre relocation
Corn fuel subsidies
Widening child health insurance
Luxury yacht tax
Sparrow culls
Vaccine allocation
Window tax
Regulations on erotic dancers
Hero pay to grocery workers
Blended alternative fuel tax credits
Billboard regulations
Equal Pay regulations
Subsidising rail track production
Wood pellet subsidy scheme
Dead Cobra/Rat/Pig Tail bounty payments
License plate driving rota regulations
Boat taxes
Payments to airlines to maintain a minimum level of service
Crash data information provision
Plastic bottle bans
Bachelor tax with rejection exemptions
Rent rise caps
Tax credits on cars with alternative fuel tanks
Ballot signature requirement
Max Prices on food Hearth taxes
Vehicle Scrappage
Streisand Effect
Sesame information regulations
Overtime goals worth double
Subsidised trees
Daycare fees
Alcohol bans
Bird nets and venomous caterpillars
Cancer warning information regulations
Carbon reduction credits