On the agenda for April's EconEdChat were 3 questions:
What are the most common misconceptions do students have in Economics and how can we avoid them?
What do teachers need to know before teaching Financial Economics?
How are teachers tackling TAGs?
This post focuses on the second question. You can find the first question here.
The History of Paper Money series can be found here
I mention The Big Short, there are some resources about half way down this page
You can find that beautiful video on Leonard Read's seminal essay, I, Pencil, here. Accompanying worksheets and discussion points can be found here and here
The fascinating 'How I Built a Toaster-from scratch' video is here
There are the videos Gavin suggested from MRU about The division of labour and burgers and How the division of knowledge saved my sons life (I was worried I was going to be Rickrolled....)
Econ Ed Chat takes place the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm GMT. All welcome.