On the agenda for September's EconEdChat were 3 questions:
1) How can we develop notetaking skills in students?
2) How can we introduce Macroeconomics?
3) How do we make the best use of homework?
References and Resources
I can't seem to access the results of the poll, but everyone put between 4 and 6 hours.
David Smith's 'Free Lunch' is mentioned - there's a review of that here which gives you a gist, together with one for The Undercover Economist, which is also namechecked. I'm currently all about 50 Economics Classics by Tim Butler-Bowden which I'd highly recommend. Andrew also spoke highly of Extreme Economies by Richard Davies, and I know Linda Yeuh's The Great Economists is also very popular among Econ teachers.
I couldn't find the list of indepedent activities linked to Phil Hensman, however when Manisha was describing it, I remember thinking it sounded similar to this book by Matt Smith, and a bit of internet sleuthing indicates the two work together so I reckon the lists are probably similar. UPDATE: Found it! Here's the link to that list on Tutor2U.
I've since written this about early assessment. I also mention this post on Production, Costs, Revenues and Profits.
I think that's everything we referenced, but if we talk about something in the video and it's not clear, let me know and I'll add extra references!
Econ Ed Chat takes place the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm BST. All welcome.