Getting the timing right is one of the hardest parts of revision planning. To help my Year 12 students to navigate their A-Level Economics revision, I've created two 30-day revision challenges based on first year material. These have been well received by students (and their parents at Parents Evening!), so I'm sharing in the hope they can be a benefit for yours too.
The concept is straightforward. Each day, students revise a set of A-Level Economics flashcards on Quizlet. I've tried to split topics into digestible sections - I hope this may prove a practical strategy for how to revise A-Level Economics. In just a month, students get to cover the entire Year 1 micro or macro content (or both!). There are two separate challenges: one focusing on Microeconomics revision and the other on Macroeconomics revision. 'Recap Days' are interspersed throughout the challenges, allowing students to revisit and reinforce previously covered topics. Each question is revisited on four different by the end of the month, hopefully aiding memory retention. It isn't spaced perfectly, but hopefully does the job.
Initially, I created these challenges as a summer revision tool for my students, targeting the period leading up to their resit mock exams. However, I hope they will also serve as a helpful aid during Year 1 assessments and as a revision resource in Year 2. Obviously they need all sorts of other revision too, but I'm hoping this should help them to accuratey recall what they already understand, especially definitions and formulae.
The challenges have been optimised primarily for the Year 1 AQA syllabus, but they should still be a decent starting point for AS-level Economics revision for OCR, Edexcel and Educas.
To help the students follow along and track their progress, I've made a checklist for each challenge. These come with QR codes that students can scan and cross off each day. I hope that this will act as a motivational tool (who doesn't love aggressively crossing off a to-do list?). You can find those at the bottom of the page.
If you’d like to copy the sets to customise them for your class, you can find those here: Year 1 Micro Revision Flashcard Challenge
As ever, there are probably a few typos and errors here and there, but I'm hoping that overall it's more of a help than a hindrance.